Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Top 10 Secrets For an Online Wealth Generation Mindset

There are many different ways to create online wealth. There are information products, advice products, online network marketing, and affiliate marketing. The growth of the internet and online marketing is creating one of the biggest business opportunities in the history of the world. Yes, I do believe it is that big!

Will you be one of the ones that takes advantage of this unique time in history?

To be successful in whichever online wealth generation strategy you choose, there are some important mindset shifts you need to make. Being an entrepreneur is much different than being an employee, in many many ways. One of the most important differences for your success is mindset.

Here are the 10 most important mindsets you need to be a successful online wealth entrepreneur:

1. Focus on results, not time worked.

2. Create products for your target market, not yourself.

3. Focus on the fears and problems of your target market, then tell them how you can help them solve it. They don't care about your product, they care about solutions to their problems.

4. Become a driver, not a doer. Take responsibility for delivering a specific result.

5. Zero in on a target market, don't market to everyone. Pick a narrow niche and become the expert in solving the problems of the people in that niche.

6. Start small and test quickly and economically.

7. Cut your losses short, and let your winners run. If a product loses money on a small scale, it will lose more money on a larger scale.

8. Excel at marketing and copy writing. It is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire.

9. Gear your message and content for the average person.

10. Think about how you can provide massive value for the most people instead of working X hours for $Y.

If you understand the online wealth generation system, you can print money at will. What are you waiting for, get lots of ink and get your printing press in gear!

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Access to "15 Ways To Grow Your Business Online". Just send an email to and you'll start receiving valuable information that can help you get more traffic to your website or blog and make more money from your visitors.

Elusade Ayodele is a passionate online wealth builder, using his 20+ years in the high-tech industry to help small businesses, entrepreneurs, and online network marketers successfully grow their businesses online. He has a Masters Degree in Computer Science and owns a successful online business.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Creating Wealth Online


The fact is creating wealth online is possible. There are many resources, applications and insights to creating wealth online. Honestly, creating wealth online is fairly simple if you just know what you're doing. In today’s world of Technology and the Internet creating wealth online has never been more at your finger tips, given you have a good plan and the right system in place for achieving this goal.


Wealth is stuff we want: the big house, the nice cars, the expensive cloths or to travel to interesting places and so on. Wealth can assist you on your journey but it should never be the only or main reason as to why you do what you do. |Creating Wealth and having all that you want starts in your mind as a dream & becomes a plan of action the moment you right it down and make a commitment.

Think about this, wealthy people don’t spend every moment of the day spending money. They however spend time doing their research and find ways to earn more. Regardless of your current situation, wealth is available to everyone, regardless of education, background, age, race, or any other excuse you may have heard in the past. No having wealth is not a matter of not having resources, it’s a matter of not having resourcefulness. Wealth plays no favorites, it only responds to a specific set of actions. Wealth starts within and is evidenced outside. Becoming wealthy is only a benefit of the game. Wealth and Patience, by the way, are inseparable.

Wealth Discovery

Wealth creation is about choices you make. Wealth Discovery is an abundance of valuable resources, which are uniquely owned by each of us, are true wealth in our own rights. Wealth is the steam driving the locomotive of human ambitions. Wealth decreases if you spend it, but the more you spend knowledge the more it increases.

Online Income

There are many books, programs and specific steps to success online today, many of which are effective at teaching you the individual easy steps to take to create a website, send it traffic, and convert that traffic to a profitable stream of income.

Do you earn a good income but still find it hard to get ahead? We can receive greater levels of income, than we ever dreamed in today’s world by learning how to harness the power of the internet and it’s vast tools. No matter what your income level, the key to creating wealth is to create, build and achieve. Creating an absolute abundance of income in your life is not some specially guarded secret formula that only a select few are clued in on.


Forget people selling MLM schemes and get rich books for a hundred dollars. This is not how you who will get wealthy. No one ever got rich fast by reading a get rich quick book and presto, “overnight wealth”! Learn the science of getting rich, study it, practice it and then start to attract the riches that you so strongly desire. By applying the law of attraction and other universal laws, you will get rich. I recommend you start to think rich. Start today, create your new visions and images of great fortunes and abundance in life. Learn a system of creating wealth: wealth generation is a predictable thing; learn the science to getting rich and by law you will receive it.


Successfully creating wealth is all about determining the best investment strategy to suit your needs. Whether that is in the stock market, in an online business opportunity or any other strategy you fall upon. If failure is not an option and you are a strong, single-minded person that will only settle for achieving growth and success, then eventually you will get what you want or maybe even better, but you have to be willing to learn, fail a time or two and pick yourself back up! No one who ever achieve a high level of success ever did so without taking risk after risk and failing before they succeeded. The point is, if you want success, you can’t quit until you get it.


All of our successes were created by us and us alone, not by luck or chance. The fact is creating wealth online is possible if you simple put your mind to it. Creating wealth online is not always easy or fast, and probably any truthful internet marketer would tell you that, but you can do it and do it well if you have a good system in place and good mentors to make your journey much easier.

This is the American dream and it is very possible if you open your mind up to the possibilities and go for it.

Start Today with the Perfect Wealth Formula and a top representative. I offer my complete business model along with an extended product package valued at over $3,500 dollars. I will take you by the hand and show you step by step how to make money with pwf and get started fast. You will receive your own replicated website along with my personal capture pages & auto responder series that are converting at an unbelievable rate. I give you my exact materials for success. If you are ready to start making some serious money now, visit my blogsite today to see thing for yourself.

Unlocking Keys to Internet Wealth for Yourself

All this hype about making money from the Internet today is driving us all crazy, and I am sure it drives you crazy too, because you still have that JOB you have to go to every day! I am sure you have opened a few e-mails here and there that make promises of making thousands of dollars every day! You may have even responded to a few here and there, just to "feel" them out. Your hope is still alive that there is a better way to generate wealth, real wealth, without putting more money in other people's pockets, than yours.

The good news is that people truly are making huge piles of money every day from the Internet, from those seeking a better way to generate an income, other than working for somebody else. We all know that working for somebody else will NEVER get you ahead in life - - - and I mean: WEALTHY! Where you can be the business owner, and you can own that Porsche 911 Turbo or maybe that Mercedes Benz, or whatever else is your dream car is, and we can't forget about that dream house. Can we?

The Internet does have the keys to tremendous wealth generation capabilities. Believe it or not, it is becoming easier and easier to accomplish this task too, because of websites. Websites never sleep! You must. People want two basic things in this life: Freedom and Money.

Ponder this. A Medical doctor makes lots of money. But, he/she does not have the freedom to accompany his/her money. Many people have plenty of freedom in this life, but don't have any spare money to do things or go places or buy those things that will give them pleasure. If you have extra money, it should be used in some manner to give you pleasure.

True wealth MUST have time freedom to accompany the money, because this financial wealth is worthless if you can't enjoy the pleasures of what the money can offer you. Otherwise, you are just plain "poor".

Money without time is just as worthless as time without money. Neither person can enjoy his/her life. However, the Internet offers an income opportunity where the website does the work, not you! You could even be on vacation to Paris, and your website doesn't stop working. If you stop working, you stop getting paid! You can't even afford to get sick, because your income stops!

A work at home business opportunity is the only way to get around this problem. Don't continue to work personally, work smart. Let the Internet generate the wealth for you. Use online automation provided by websites to do most of the work for you. It will generate the cash, while giving you the time freedom to enjoy it, along with your family. Now you can actually live in your home, and now you can even afford to buy that dream car! Don't procrastinate another moment! Decide to make a change in your life, start today.

Visit: to view my blogsite, and for additional information about me.

Basic Wisdom For Every Online Wealth Entrepreneur

Internet marketing is an area of business where anybody with determination and a thirst for learning can succeed. Yet many struggle to comprehend more than the basics of how information is moved on the web.

Many fall into a pattern of either purchasing all their traffic (which is often not profitable), or doing free traffic generation methods in a way that are not effective at bringing buyers to their sites.

If anybody tells you making a ton of cash online is easy, don't believe that person. Making money in this industry requires a clear mind and an ability to adapt and grown on a daily basis.

The good news is that the longer you are in the "game" of internet marketing, the more you will understand about how it all really works.

There's the rub.

What is really happening with internet marketing is very different from what "outsiders" perceive to be happening. For this reason, and because of widespread misinformation, newcomers to the field of online marketing often experience disappointment when they discover that the business environment is more competitive than at first they thought.

Do not lose heart, however, brave soldier.

This "craft" of internet promotion is learned one day at a time. There are simple daily activities that you must do in order to get over the "learning hump" and start earning money consistently.

The Most Essential Quality To Success In Business Is Discipline

With learning a new skill such as internet marketing it is essential to discipline oneself to work at it at least 4-5 days per week for a couple of hours or more today. If this seems like a lot - remember, this is like attending school and when you are just starting out you must learn the ABCs.

If you have recently attended college classes you may have good study skills in place. But, chances are your study skills are rusty and you will need to exercise the learning parts of your brain in order to assimilate and use the information you will need.

Marketing Online, or promoting online, is simply the exposing of your products or service to a lot of people. When an interested person encounters your marketing efforts, he will either:

- buy right then and there, from you

- go shopping for something similar and buy from somebody else

- decide not to buy at all

- decide not to buy today, but buy later.

Follow up Marketing is What Separates The Whales From The Minnows!

Follow up is the most important thing to automate in your online money-making efforts. It is because most people who eventually buy your product will not buy from you unless you have "top-of-mind-awareness". You need your product and services to stay at the forefront of your business prospect's mind. When s/he is ready to buy, s/he will think of you first if you have don the job correctly.

The most fundamental thing about follow up marketing is:

Never Be Boring!

In fact, many, many sales are made after several follow up attempts. If your follow up is boring, people won't open your emails and you are unlikely to make a sale.

Elusade Ayodele is a direct online and offline sales entrepreneur, Sales manager, and marketing consultant.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Secrets of Generating Explosive Internet Wealth in 6 Months Or Less

Generating explosive Internet wealth is the dream of many online marketers. Only a few achieve it, the majority don't. Do you want to be part of minority that are earning huge incomes online?

It requires a strong mindset. It requires a 'take action' mindset. Lots of gurus talk about taking action, but the truth is not that simple. Many people are afraid of taking action. Or they simply have too much going on in their lives.

If you want it badly enough, you will create time for it!

Self-belief is also a fundamental aspect of online success. You have got to believe you can do it. Nothing significant was ever created without belief. So go and prep yourself up to believe in your success!

Paste inspirational notes near your workspace. Play inspirational music that gets you fired up. Most of all, set goals that inspire you to take action, goals that energize you.

I want to write your goal for your online monthly income now. Yes, write down that number. Then double it. Stretch your goal by doubling it. This special technique forces you to stretch your mind to find ideas and means to achieve your goals. And, even if you don't reach the goal, you can be confident your bank balance will grow bigger and you will achieve greater success than if you don't set big goals!

People who create huge incomes and massive success are not necessarily smarter; they simply set bigger goals and are willing to stretch their boundaries to achieve their dreams. Become an action taker of massive proportions, and things will happen for you. That much is guaranteed in your online income ventures.

Elusade Ayodele is a well-known Internet Marketing expert whose mission is to make as many people as possible wealthy beyond limitations.

3 Reasons Why People Fail To Make Money Online

I can honestly tell you why people fail to make money online; because just a few years ago I was one of them. I wanted to make money but nothing I did brought in any money. So this article is geared towards some of the mistakes that I made and several other people are currently making that you should avoid. These mistakes can be corrected they are the reason people fail to make money online. However today I am finally starting to see the money come in; I believe anyone can make a good living working for themselves. Avoid the following 3 reasons of why people fail to make money online and you can begin profiting from your efforts.

1. No Plan: People love instant gratification and they will jump from program to program and go where the promises of "get rich quick" are told. Without failing to stick to one specific plan. Visit any wealth forum and you will hear it over and over. People want quick ways to make money online. I personally can vouch for this; I too used to look for a quick buck and never took the time to follow a plan until it worked. Everything you do requires a plan of some sort and internet marketing is no different. People who first come to online marketing think that they can throw up a website and put several links or Google Adsense on it and begin watching the money come in. They have no idea of how they are going to market their new site. Sit down and write out a plan; what do you plan on doing to promote your new business everyday. How much money do you have for your marketing budget? How often are you going to respond to your subscribers who leave you their names and email addresses? You get the point now.

2. Lack Of Education: If you are new to the whole internet marketing there is a lot to learn from it. You can avoid some of the learning curves by educating yourself on what to do before you begin throwing money into any form of advertising. If you read anything online you will hear all kinds of stories about how easy it is to make money; well these people who are making money most likely took the time to educate themselves and learn about the business before they spent one penny. Marketing is a huge thing and you can lose hundreds and even thousands of dollars in areas like PPC; and that is exactly what happens to several newbies. Without the proper knowledge it is almost impossible to succeed in any venture; so before you make any costly mistakes take a class on marketing or website design and then start marketing online.

3. Lack Of Patience: If you are willing to put in the time and effort then the money will come. However it is not going to come overnight. It takes time to grow any business no matter what kind of business it is. This is kind of like planting a garden; you begin laying the seeds everywhere and eventually something is going to begin to grow and as it grows the fruit will start bearing and before you know it you found something that works and you are finally seeing the profits. Be patient; be willing to do what it takes to reach your goals; and remember you will not get there overnight.

These are the 3 reasons why people fail to make money online. If you can avoid these mistakes and stick with your plan; you too begin enjoying the profits from your online ventures. If you want to get started with the plan that finally put cash in my clickbank account visit my blogsite below. It is guaranteed to work if you work the plan.

Creating Wealth Online - One Step at a Time

Creating wealth online takes small baby steps to get to where you are going. No, there is no magic bullet to generating money with your own online business.

How is it that some people seem to become wealthy easily, while a large percentage of people fail? Do you really think that these people just got lucky? If that is what you think happens for people that come online and make their fortunes you are wrong.

And if this is how you plan on starting your business, you are in for a big let down. These people have thoroughly planned out their business ventures every step of the way. Some of these people have tested and tested for months or even years before launching their online ventures.

I know you want "instant wealth". We all do, but creating wealth online will take time. There really is no one way around it. First you have to learn every aspect of the business that you are getting ready to build.

This also means learning about internet marketing from the ground up. In order to make a lot of money with any online business you will need to think about your plan of action for driving targeted traffic to your website on a steady basis.

You see, you can have the "most perfect product and website", but if nobody knows you are out there on the internet, you will never make a dime from your efforts. Massive targeted traffic is what creates wealth online. You have to have visitors to sign up for your newsletter, so you can follow up and make sales.

You have to have visitors, the kind that will purchase from you on the spot. You see there are different kinds of consumers, some that will pull the trigger right away and some that will be skeptical and need to trust you over time to order from you. This is why you will need a lot of traffic.

Part of the whole process is learning the various ways of generating traffic to your website. It is not an overnight process so be prepared to research, plan and learn all the aspects of your new business and how you will drive traffic to it.

Can you create wealth instantly? Of course not, but you can create wealth online over time.

By: Elusade Ayodele

Top 5 Things You Need To Make Money Online

There are many resources you will need as you go along the way to try to make money online. However there are many things and problems you will encounter along the way. Here are the sure 5 things you will need to succeed to really make money online faster!

1. A Very Strong Mindset to Focus

It is really really VERY IMPORTANT to always stay focus on your objectives to succeed online. Never try to do too many things but at the end of the day you are actually a master of nothing. The reason I was some what successful in my marketing was because I was really focus on only one thing and that was blogging.

There will be many times while going along the journey in trying to make money online, you will face lots of distractions that will make you not focus! The point is that if you really stay focus on only one objective you will surely see some results!

2. Willing to Outsource and Spend Cash

When I first started my online business, I was very afraid to spent money on Internet tools and outsourcing my stuff and the weird thing was I am willing to pay to learn but strangely I was not willing to pay people to do stuff for me. I also realized this in many others whom I have coach and train before, they too will not be willing to spend a single cent on web site creation but would rather spend it on learning.

The trick about this is that once I started my first outsourcing about a few months, I realized my production rate actually increases by almost 400%! However of course there will times you would loose money, but it's normal because you will get it right always the first time. It takes risk and time to actually find the right people to outsource your stuff.

3. Willing to be Open Minded to Others

One strong point about how I marketing online is that I always have an open mind to Joint Venture with others. It really does not matter how popular you are but who you know and what you do that matters! As I have time and time again found many interesting Joint Ventures whom are no really popular or making lots of money online but do have really very good assets. And the assets are actually not attainable because the assets that I am talking is the connections they have to bigger players in in the market that is truly priceless! If you are interested to sent me a joint venture just visit my blog.

4. Always Think of Win-Win Solutions

Never ever try to make money online with a Win - Lose mindset, trust me you will never make any money. One thing I realized many do online is that they are pretty selfish when it comes to marketing and never really respect others. Everybody who ever worked with me before would know I always respect my partners and I will never do any joint venture if it's a win - lose deal.

You maybe thinking what I say sounds very simple, but through various emails I got with Joint Ventures almost out of 10 emails I received about 7 of them are actually win - lose deals... They would always email me about how great they are and how much they can earn but strangely nothing was mention about what I get.

The best way to draft a good joint venture is always ask yourself what is it in it for him!

5. Think Big! Never Think Small

When I was doing my business for the passed 4 years, I had this major problem. I always cannot seem to think big and expand my business. After years of failing and trying different things I noticed in order for you to really make lots of money online and I really mean A LOT! Here's secret tip I have for you, surround yourself with at least 10 people who are currently having the income you are actually trying to achieve.

For example let's say my own goal is to be a millionaire by 30 years old, what I did was all my top 10 closest friends are either already millionaires or are already somewhere there in the marketplace where I would want to be. Studies and surveys have shown that person's average income is always determine by the people that you surrounded with.

Here's some proof that this theory really works, imagine yourself wanting to earn $10,000 per month but the friends you hang out with are only earning $2,000 or less per month. Because most likely your friends who are working in those range would most likely only discuss these topic pretty often:

- Pay my bills

- Plan to study and upgrade with a degree

- Buy small investments to increase savings

- Go out movies during free time

- Sit down at Starbucks or Coffee Bean for a chat

- Looking for better jobs

Almost 90% of people do this very often! Where as when you hang out with people who are making like $10,000 or more per month, this is what I found out that they always talk about:

- Discuss about the next big venture or projects.

- Talk about big investments to invest to get great returns fast

- Open business ventures

- Go to networking events to find new leads

- Getting ideas to solve business problems

- Setting up the business

See the difference? I hope you get the picture, because what I wrote is truly real experience and just because I only did a really simple thing which was I just changed the circle of friends I had. Within just 1 year, I realized my wealth and valued actually increases. So I hope you find this useful and do apply it for yourself to experience it. It did work for me really well!

Currently ranked as the world's no.1 blogger, who made over $4,687.50 in 7 days,

All through blogs, would you like to learn how Elusade did it?

Making Online Credibility Drives Your Home Based Internet Business Income

Credibility is something that we all seek. Spending years in college to attain a bachelor’s degree or even a Doctorate – it’s all about establishing credibility. Credibility, traditionally, has been established through proven actions. But how do you get the chance to prove your capabilities?

Establishing and positioning yourself as a respectable name is critical to success. The Internet Success Primer gives you advice from five internet experts as well as numerous tips and strategies to quickly build your credibility. Five separate interview transcripts with internet gurus like Jeremy Gislason, Nicolaas Theron, Edmund Ng, Frank Peters and Jaz Lai each revealing the credibility building experience in their fields of expertise. There is also an exclusive interview with Ewen Chia disclosing his 'Mining Affiliate Wealth' Strategies with a downloadable MP3 recording and a full transcript of this exclusive interview. Learn to focus your attention on a small niche that you can dominate and learn what you need to be noticed in your chosen niche. Every product and idea can succeed with proper placement. Learn how to establish your credibility in as little as three hundred words and keep it spreading when you learn how to use viral marketing. With this, you’ll be able to gain a substantial part of the e commerce market – even when competing against established gurus.
Learning how to market yourself and get your name out to the public is the first and foremost challenge to new marketers.

Once you have your name out to the internet, gaining on line credibility can be done in a number of ways – learn how to use the full power of the internet and electronic communications, from email to selling resell rights products. These are some good ways to build online credibility . Learn how to take advantage of the power of blogs and forums to let your credibility and awareness grow and trigger word of mouth advertising, who is better to promote your product than your own extraordinary costumers, who have experienced for themselves the value of your product?

Equally important is learning how to maximize resell rights. Often overlooked as a marketing tool, taking advantage of resell rights allows you to use other people to promote your products and spread your name. The more brand recognition you have, the more people will come to you looking for answers. Using the examples of Liz Tomey and Edmund Loh, you will see what worked for them, and how they paved the way for even more explosive success today. Learn how to maximize the perceived value of your product as Edmund Loh reveals in an interview transcript on how he gained his first foothold in marketing.

When you take advantage of this offer, you learn how you can build your creditability quickly from the Internet Success Primer, plus two bonuses. Change Your Mind, Change Your Life will help you understand how your view on the future is effecting your decisions today and how by changing those views you can change your future. Unlocking the Niche Code goes beyond credibility to help you find the niche market that you can focus on and how to maximize your profits from them.

Contained within these products is everything you need to know to position yourself in a niche market, build visibility and credibility online. Most importantly, you will learn how to create value or your costumers, this win-win situation allows you to enrich the lives of your clients while capturing part of this value for yourself in the form of profit from your online ventures.

Note:The question is are you ready to start building your credibility today?

Generate Wealth Online From One of the Largest Market Shifts in History

Whenever there is a significant change in the marketplace that affects How, When, What or Where consumers spend their hard earned money its called a “Market Shift”. There are also two significant things that actually happens in the marketplace whenever there is a market shift.

(1) Depending on their positioning in the marketplace, some people are able to tap into a new found market of wealth as a result.

(2) On the contrary, some people actually lose lots of money or may even become obsolete after being replaced with new technology or innovations etc. and consequently go out of business.

In retrospect, one of the first major market shifts took place over 100 years ago during the early 20th century. When America became a more industrialized nation, hence came the invention and the need for the automobile. The automobile gradually became the common mode of transportation for most people instead of the traditional horses and wagons.

This market shift also created the need to build more roads and highways as well as the demand for gasoline. This increasing trend of more people driving cars everyday also created enormous wealth for the major car manufacturers. The first pioneer who was one of the wealthiest men in the world at the time and who was also well positioned for this market shift was Henry Ford founder of the Ford Motor Company.

We experienced a similar market shift with the invention of the telephone which later became the regular mode of daily communication for most people instead of the telegraph and writing letters. This market shift later created the demand for long distance phone services. There have been numerous long distance phone companies that were positioned to gain wealth from this market shift such as AT &T, Sprint and MCI.

On the contrary, there have also been a number of major market shifts in which entire industries have lost big money or even became obsolete as a result. A good example would be all the major Television Networks that have been affected by lost advertising revenues to numerous emerging Cable T.V. networks as Cable subscribers became mainstream in consumer homes.

A similar result occurred with the market shift in the music industry. Due to changes with innovations in the marketplace, consumers changed from buying albums and 8-Track tapes to buying Compact Discs. As a result, many vinyl manufacturers lost major money since albums are now basically obsolete. The same thing is taking place with the VHS video cassettes since most people now are buying DVD players today. This would also explain why now it’s harder to find VHS rentals in most major video stores.

There are now three major trends taking place today in the marketplace which has created

“One of the Largest Market Shifts in History”

Trend One: The Travel Industry is now growing about 23% faster than the global economy; in fact people spend about $1.3 Trillion in the U.S. alone. This market is growing so fast it is predicted to double within the next 7-10 years.

Trend Two: The Baby Boomers which is the generation born between 1946 and 1964 have a big affect on this tremendous growth in the travel industry. As these people reach retirement age what do you think they do when they retire? Travel! Among the Baby Boomers one person will reach retirement age every 8 seconds for the next 20 years.

Trend Three: There is rapid increase in consumer spending on the internet to the tune of billions of dollars. About 5 years ago people mainly made basically smaller purchases only, however today people are more comfortable with everything from online dating to buying cars and homes online. However travel is the fastest growing segment of this trend.

All three of these trends are the major reasons why there is now a major market shift in the travel industry. Consumer spending on travel is rapidly changing from buying travel via a “brick and mortar’ travel agency to a “click and mortar” online travel site. This would also explain why numerous agencies have all gone out of business by the thousands within the last 5 years. In fact over 200K travel agents have lost their jobs due to this major market shift in the travel industry.

Fortunes are always made by individuals who are positioned to recognize a growing profitable trend and position themselves to capitalize on the emerging market shift. In 2003 a wealthy entrepreneur named Barry Diller proved he had foresight when he bought Expedia (Online Travel Agency) for $5.1 Billion. Expedia alone has been almost as profitable as all his other business ventures for the last 20 years combined.

Mr. Diller and Expedia also spend about $5Million per week on advertising. Their multi-million dollar advertising budget is what drives their huge online traffic as well as the millions consumers spend each month on their travel site.

There is also another emerging travel company that is exploding in the marketplace called YTB Travel and Cruises which was founded in 2001.YTB Travel has a unique business model which allows everyday people like you to tap into and actually profit from this huge market shift in the travel industry. The company also offers the same destinations and discounts flights, cruises, and hotels found on Expedia and all the other major online travel websites.

The interesting thing that sets YTB Travel in a class of its own is that instead of them spending the $5Million per week on advertising like Expedia, YTB Travel utilizes the power of “word of mouth” advertising. It has been proven time and time again that word of mouth is not only the cheapest but the best advertising money can buy.

YTB Travel sells millions of dollars worth of travel via thousands of Referring Travel Agents. (RTAs) whom all have their own independent YTB Travel booking engine websites whereby consumers can book travel. Keep in mind that since the company doesn’t have to spend a dime on advertising; all those millions of dollars in saved advertising dollars are paid out to the numerous (RTAs) in commissions and Bonuses.

It is also quite interesting how although over 200K travel agents have lost their jobs in recent years due to the industry market shift, YTB Travel is growing by leaps and bounds with numerous home based (RTAs). As of the beginning of 2007 there are over 60K home-based (RTAs) and actually expected to double to well over 120K by the end of the year. .

So finally there is a perfect opportunity for common everyday people to get their share of the wealth from a major industry market shift, just like the "Big Boys" and the major corporations have been doing for the last 100 years.

About the Author Elusade Ayodele is the CEO of the fastest growing Consult firm of successful known as BestBet Business Consult.He has also developed a unique Inter-Network Marketing system to explode the business online with exponential growth.

Wealth Building: Let The Wealth Building Secrets Of J. Paul Getty Inspire You To Great Achievement By I-key Benney

One of the shortcuts to creating wealth is to learn from those
who have achieved great wealth.

The late John Paul Getty is known as one of the greatest wealth
builders in American history.

He was kind enough to distill his wealth building rules
for anyone who desires to amass wealth like him to follow.

Do you want to be fabulously rich? Then learn from the master
wealth creator himself, and follow in his footsteps:

Rule No. 1:

To acquire wealth today, you must be in your own business.

You may think that the corporate executive with a $100,000
salary is better off than small shop owner, but the executive
will be hard-pressed to double his income and taxes will eat up
most of any increase.

The simplest peanut vendor has unlimited opportunity to
expand his business and his income, and even salesmen,
who in most cases are able to write their own
paychecks, can control his sale increases himself.

Rule No. 2.

You must have a working knowledge of the business
when you start and continue to increase your knowledge of it as
you go along.

If you don't know what you're doing when you start, your
mistakes will be costly and often unnecessary, and you won't be
able to keep up with the technological explosions in any field.
Start smart and stay that way.

Rule No. 3.

You must save money in your personal life and in
your business venture as well.

Discipline is the key to saving money. You must develop the
will power to deny yourself immediate gratification or the
temptation to gamble on the quick buck. Resources will be
needed for expansion and should be guarded carefully.

Rule No. 4.

You must take risks, both with your own money or
with borrowed money.

Risk-taking is essential to business growth.

Nelson Bunker Hunt is admired for his guts in trying to
corner the silver market, not scorned for losing money on this

Some of the richest men have staked their entire fortunes
and lost, several times over, before the risk-taking paid off.

Back those risks with good judgment, experience, commitment,
And the right support.

Seek advice on risks from the wealthy who still take risks,
not friends who dare nothing more than a football bet.

Rule No. 5.

You must not only learn to live with tension, you
must seek it out.

Thrive on stress! If it means getting physically fit, having a
psychiatric overall or losing 50 pounds before you can handle
it, do it.

Once you can learn to thrive on stress, you will not
only enjoy it, you will seek it out willingly and enthusiastically
and wonder how you could live any other way.

Men of means look at making money as a game which they
love to play.

Consider it serious business and you will suffer far more
stress than you need or want.

Keep your perspective or your stress level will rocket beyond
your control.

Rule No. 6.

Build wealth as a by-product of your business

If wealth is your only object in business, you will probably

Wealth is only a benefit of the game. If you win, the
money will be there.

If you lose, and you will from time to time if you play long
and hard enough, it must have been fun or it was not worth it.

Rule No. 7.


This is the greatest business asset. Wait for the right time to
make your moves.

Let your business grow naturally, not by pressing your luck.

Rules No. 8.

Diversify at the top.

Once you've made it, you'll understand that any business is
limited in the challenges it offers.

You'll want and need other games to play, so you'll look
for other ventures to hold your interest.

May these words of wisdom from Mr. Getty inspire you
to build fabulous wealth and reach the stars.


Elusade Ayodele, CEO BestBet Business Consult

100% Guaranteed - Home Based Internet Opportunities on the Internet to Make Money

Running an online business and working from home saves you time, money and the trouble of working two jobs at the same time. You can keep your day job for half the day and still be with the kids in the afternoon while earning a second income with your online business. Home based internet opportunities to make money are easy options through which you can make money. Home based business opportunities also include jobs and freelance work from where online wealth creation and making money online is possible.

The methods to earn money at home provide the employee with many other benefits like getting freedom of time and independence to be your own superior. Business and marketing opportunities from home include may also include completely home based businesses, which offers you with financial freedom along with many other benefits. For making money online alternatives like copy writing, website development, network marketing, affiliate marketing and many other money making opportunities can be considered. Usually these methods are considered to bee most beneficial for mothers and people, who are not able to earn enough to sustain their expenses.

Home Based Opportunities For All: To make money online, there are plenty of opportunities open to all.

Hence almost anyone can enjoy the benefits of the same and these include mothers, part time workers, retired personnel, etc. In recent times there has been a radical change in the kind of people who prefer working from home. It has been seen that more professionals now prefer to work from home, even though these home based business and job opportunities are enjoyed most by the parents. People with children are able to stay at home and earn the same salary like regular jobs, but with flexible hours. Hence they can enjoy the freedom of working at their own convenience but with minimum interference and benefits of working from home. Freelance work on the internet, different kinds of entrepreneurial projects and even doing a full time job online are some of the home based web opportunities to earn money.

Job Availability For The Home Based Employees:

Plenty of money making options are available for the home based professionals and they can continue with different kinds of businesses. But no matter what field of business you select, this should be based on their skills and levels of interest. For example, people who have an inclination towards writing or designing can try their luck with online copy writing and designing respectively. Usually the options to work from home are considered to easy methods of earning money online, but it also requires hard work and dedication. Remember that money can be earned through kinds of jobs and skills, and so you can do any work from your home. There has been a rise in the number of people switching over from conventional jobs, to find easier methods of earning money from home. These home based jobs include marketing, designing, copy writing, mailing, and clicking on advertisements, affiliates and businesses too.

Selecting The Right Home Based Job:

It should be kept in mind that you should always select jobs that meet your skills and interests. Hence this way you continue with a job that you enjoy and also enjoy other benefits, which are not provided in conventional jobs and employment.

I have found to be the best way to make money on the internet, I would say:

1. Find a good program that will teach you how to do article marketing step by step
2. Put the program to action consistently everyday!
3. Don't give up, and don't get distracted.

How to Be Wealthy During a Recession - Lessons From Outliers From the Past

In his great book, Outliers: The Story of Success, Michael Gladwell, analyzes in 1 of his chapters the 75 richest people in history and find the 14 of these 75 people made this list because they were actively involved in the computer revolution (right age, right country, right opportunities): that is 19% of the 75 richest people in history owe their success to one revolution that covered a span of 9 years: the computer revolution (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs etc...).

A similar revolution can be seen on the internet right now where the masses are and the money is moving. For example: Youtube views exceed ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX combined; advertising dollars have moved from TV (reduced by 20% in 2008) to the internet (increased by 80%). I dare to say that entrepreneurs currently involved in internet marketing at this time have a once-in-a-lifetime shot at enjoying uncommon success due to the web revolution. However, any internet marketer worth his salt should make sure that the following elements are in place if they are to be successful:

1. Find an industry that is recession proof and market it online. As corporate America is experiencing the devastating effects of the recession, Network Marketing companies are growing at an unprecedented rate as people are turning to alternative income generating activities. While the growth of these companies is impressive, the success of individual marketers is largely linked to their experience in marketing but also to how well they leverage the internet in their marketing strategies. The most successful network marketers are the ones who build a large following, offer marketing training and use of the latest online marketing strategies.

2. Within that industry, find a business whose products/services are recession proof. Most of the network marketing companies tend to market health related products (weight loss products, multi-vitamins, antioxidants juices, pills, or household products). While these products are useful and helpful, this market is severely overcrowded and customers tend to hop from one product to another; hence limiting the growth and income potential of the marketers. The recession proof products are in the companies that offer value that can be used beyond the product or services offered and that can be applied to more than one segment of the market. My own research has led me to believe that informational products, financial education, health education, marketing training still have considerable growth potential and are still under-served.

3. Once you have narrowed down your business, find a company that gives you the highest return on your investment: a business that will have you go into profits after a handful of sales rather than after a few hundred sales. This will typically be a business that offers a tight marketing system, complete and top of the line training & a high value product or service.

Elusade Ayodele

Internet Marketer & Marketing Coach

What is Money - How Can You Create More Money in Your Life?

What is money and what does it mean? It means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Ask yourself what is money to you? Get clear about your beliefs around money; are you carrying around old beliefs that you learnt a very long time ago from someone else? Have you ever asked yourself why have I got to where I am now? It is generally our past and what has happened to us around money that has got us to the point we are now. No matter whether you perceive your beliefs as good or bad - it is time to deepen your understanding of them.

Money really in essence is a tool that provides you with the ability to choose what you want in life or the life of your dreams. This is a big concept for some. Money provides the means of creating how we are living, it is the reason that we actually get out of bed, go out and do what we do. The degree of financial success you have will strongly influence the choices you have available to you. Creating money is a skill, a skill that can be learned, whether by creating your own business or whether by selling your time as a professional in the marketplace, its all about creating cash so you can enjoy life more and more.

And let's face it unless you are below the ground you want more money, more cash, more wealth, am I right? Money is the vehicle for us getting what we want. So how do you go about creating money, when money has been scarce until now or you are like me and constantly on the roller coaster of have it, lose it, have it... etc. First and foremost address your beliefs around money - take time to right them all down, just let them pour out and do not filter them, you may be surprised what you bring up.

Once you have dealt with all the sad and outdated old beliefs, tear them up and bury them in your garden under a tree or you may want to burn them - its all about the symbolism, the letting go.

There are many ways to make money these days, real estate, share market but one of the most satisfying avenues is to build an online business, one you can operate from home. I endorse this option as its also a wonderful way to build amazing relationships with people all over the world. The world is your marketplace, there really are no limits.

So kick those outdated money thoughts & beliefs all the way back into last century where they belong and get on board and start your own empire online - you are worth it!

Elusade is an Entrepreneur, internet marketer, real estate investor & lover of life and universal laws, life is a blank canvas... also a fitness, reading & course addict.He aims at making a difference in people's lives,he assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Elusade and his team have assisted hundreds of people, from doctors and lawyers to high-school drop-outs and single parents in generating profits that allow them to quit their day job in their first year.

Four Skills to Master to Become a Serious Entrepreneur Online

As you start or grow your internet marketing business, make it a priority to master the following skills in order to get faster results and join the ranks of Elite Online Entrepreneurs rather quickly.

1. Search. Search is the KING of marketing strategies. It generates more leads than any other marketing strategy but can be costly if not mastered and used effectively. If you master Search as an internet marketer, you have 90% the tools you need to make money online no matter what business you are with because you then have the knowledge to attract the right customers to your site. If you master search (Google or Bing... for now); you write your own ticket for life!

2. Email Marketing. Email marketing is the next step in converting your leads from prospects to actual customers in internet marketing. The stronger your copywriting is, the stronger you email marketing will be. And copywriting is the art (& science) of using words to promote an idea, business, product a way that moves your readers to take a specific action. Mastering search will bring you the leads but until you can engage those leads and turn them into paying customers, you will have no business. So, copywriting is the key to monetize your online business.

3. Social media. While email marketing will help you engage the lead that search brought to you, social media will help bring "YOU" to your prospect. It will help you brand yourself. Your prospects will get to know you and will grow to feel like they know you, like you and trust you (or not...depending on how well and authentic you are in your social media) and that will take them a step closer to you on their buying process. Remember people only buy from people they like, trust and feel that they know. And in this age, there is no better way to bring YOU to your prospects than Social Media. This is nowhere truer than in internet marketing because people will buy YOU as the leader, the sponsor because they like you and trust you before they buy your product, service or system.

4. Websites/ Domain Names. Your website is your real estate on the world wide web. Right now, it costs about $10 to get that real estate; I highly doubt that domain names will remain that cheap for very long. As you rush out to get your domain name, choose a name that reflects your site or business because now that people turn to the internet for information, it pays to have a relevant domain name; particularly if you are using search to drive your traffic.

Elusade Ayodele

Internet Marketer & Marketing Coach

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Online Wealth - How To Earn Income For Life!

Sometimes ago l met a man who calls himself "The Apostle of Wealth Creation" He told me something l will remember for the rest of my life. He said "Blessed are those who believe that they can be financially independent, for they shall definitely be, because as a man thinks in his heart so is he." He continued "For what a man thinks about 99% of the time happens to him. You will become what you believe one day, it is a matter of time because everyone becomes what he believes." I followed his words of advice and it really worked for me. He further told me "When you are financially independent, thou shall teach thy friends, neighbors, co-staffs etc how to make money unless they reject thy teaching." For this reason, I write this article.

I want to tell you here how to earn a stable and permanent income on the internet. Perhaps you've seen people doing it but wonder how they go about it, this article is for you. Earning stable income online should not pose any problem to you nor is it as hard as you may think. In this article I will show you the 3 simplest ways to make money online even when you are asleep! The 3 ways are lucrative and fraud free, they are explained bellow.

The first one is Article writing. This will help you get part-time well paying job online. It's all about website owners that need people to write contents for their numerous web pages. Most of them don't have enough time to keep their site with fresh quality information. If they must make money with their website, they just have to able to make search engines (e.g. Yahoo!, Google) pick their sites. And one of the cheapest ways to achieve this is to have quality articles written for them.

Generally, payment ranges from $0.01 per word, which means you get $3 for three hundred word article you write. However, this rate is not fixed as you may decide to reduce your charge to secure a job and then may later ask for increment. It's that simple!

The second way is what l refer to as "Online marketing". It's all about creating products to sell online. You can never imagine how many buyers patronize online market place on daily basis. The best way to become rich is to create value in other people's lives. Therefore, look for solutions to people's problems, or better still, ask yourself these questions "What do l love to do most". What am l most passionate about? If l were to wake up in the morning and chose to do one thing, what would that be? How can l benefit my self and others? Etc. This is turning problems into opportunities.

You also have to realize that it's not just your passions, hobbies and interests you should be taking note of also take a closer look at your biggest problems and challenges; find solutions to them and become the expert that everyone else will look to for answers. After getting all these, package them and sell online for you have what other people are ready to pay for.

This third one is the easiest and simplest. It's called "Affiliate program". It's an arrangement where you don't have products of your own but promote someone else's product and gets commission when somebody buys them. It works like this; having chosen a product to promote, you'll be shown your affiliate link. It can be in form of text or banner, which contains certain codes to identify you. When someone clicks on them and buys the products, the sale is automatically traced to you and the commission is credited to your account. The amount you get as commission depends on what the owner of the product is offering. Some offers as high as 50% of their product or service.

Wealth Creation

Have you ever wondered how the rich get richer? Have you wondered how to get out of debt and actually be wealthy yourself? Here are six proven steps to creating your financial freedom.

Step One - Create a Vision. It is possible for you to reset your destiny. Your past experience will not dictate your future. Create your plan, set your goals, and lay out what it will take to achieve the goals. Don't let fear, and lack of knowledge stop you. You will need to discover how growing yourself personally impacts the growth of your money.

Step Two - Leverage Wisdom. You have to have the same foundation all successful and wealthy people have. That base is to "build a wisdom chest", if you will, with education that will align you with your goals, wants and desires. It is finally the eduction you never received about money.

Step Three - Trust Is Earned. You will need to discover why you must be rich and how to create wealth building credit. You will also need to discover the money myths that hold you back. You will need to trust yourself, and learn how to do your due diligence on opportunities to know if they are right for you.

Step Four - Your Team Of Experts. Achieving wealth, success and freedom is never done alone. You will create a network of alliances that help you protect your interests. Hand selecting a team of partners that are the best at what they do ensures that you have access to the right people who you can trust as you implement the right decisions along the way. This will allow you to plan, repair, and acquire wealth like never before.

Step Five - Wealthy Investment Secrets. Imagine knowing where the wealthy are putting their money and why they put it there. Then imagine having access to the same level of wealth creation opportunities. Until now - these were not available to you. Get access to Global Market Trends and learn how to take advantage of them. Discover wealth creation opportunities that you can't get anywhere else.

Step Six - Design your lifestyle. A Life of significance. A life of passion, purpose, and prosperity. Discover your purpose in life and live it. Increase the quality of your relationships, be healthier, happier and more successful. Continue to take advantage of Wealth Creation all year long and years to come.

If you commit to all these areas, you will undoubtedly create a new life and a completely new perspective. If you doubt your abilities to learn all these steps, and don't commit, your income will reflect that indecision. Ultimately, it is up to you and how badly you want your dream life. It is your life to live.

7 Quick Steps To Online Wealth

It is quite common nowadays to associate Wealth with money or prosperity. We shall be discussing 7 powerful points to achieving online financial wealth and growth.

1. For you to know how to harness an opportunity, it is first very important that you take your time to understand the working of such opportunity to allow you know how to plan to make the most of such an opportunity.

Thus the need to you to first study and understand the workings of the internet. Learn the way people use the internet everyday and how they apply to your own tendencies. You don't make money from what you don't know about, so you require all the knowledge you can get to see how you can apply your knowledge to wealth creation on the internet.

2. Begin to put your plans in place to allow you know exactly what you want to do to start making financial wealth from the internet. It is often said that "he who fails to plan actually has made plans to fail. Planning will include, start dates, material requirements, initial incubation period, areas of interest, maximising profits, getting your niche markets as well as clientele; Traffic, importance of third party income earners & using direct methods for online wealth

3. Now get all the tools and materials you need to start your online sojourn. This will usually include an internet space i.e borrowed/free space or paid web space, which I usually recommend. Then you need a computer and few other tools and the knowledge to apply these tools altogether.

4. The next thing will now be to start work on the online financial wealth specialty area you intend to use for making wealth online. This is the time to go live. You have prepared and tested all your plans prior to now and are ready to take the bull by the horn. Now is the time to put yourself and your plans out on the internet to work.

5. At this stage you are following up and making comparisons and testing your results to ascertain where your monies are likely to come from or are actually coming from. The inferences from these information will ultimately help you determine what next to do to achieve maximum profitability. You will be able to tell whether to continue to use direct means to generate your income, whether by selling a product or service online or using the means of third party income generators like affiliates and ad networks like google to make profits.

6. Stage six sees you already generating money but of course we need to sustain the flow of this income, hence the need to continue to strategise. You may decide to continue to market your product or service ideas to more coverage areas to ensure more online wealth for you. At this stage you will need to keep adverting and reaching out using back links, blogs, forums, SEOs, Ad Networks like google and bidvertiser and so on to ensure your business stays atop and afloat and still bringing in money.

7. Finally, all you need to do now is to synergize, you are now an online money maker and to fortify your hold on that title will require you to reach out to people both online and offline to proclaim your new status. You will hold some seminars and conferences here and there to teach people your experiences as they also look up to you to learn how you achieved online wealth. By so doing you are making more money, getting more popular, making more contacts as well as consolidating your hold on your new status as an online wealth entrepreneur. Welcome to the club.

Elusade Ayodele is an Entrepreneur, an Internet Expert and a Web Developer. He has been involved in all facets of computer architecture and implementation solution. His involvement in internet business spans over a decade and he sees the need to disseminate his knowledge on internet wealth acquisition to people around him using the same medium that has facilitated his exposure to internet wealth and streams of income.

How to Find the Best Wealth Creation Opportunity

With the market in its present condition, economic concerns and financial worries have become common for people and businesses everywhere. Increasingly, people whose financial situation is uncertain are looking around for ways to augment their income.

One of the most effective solutions such a person could find to remedy his or her financial problems is something that anyone can do. CarbonCopyPro is an unmatched business opportunity that can get you out of financial trouble with its satisfying rewards. Carbon Copy Pro is the right answer to questions about financial security in the tough economic climate that the world is facing.

What makes CarbonCopyPro unique? CarbonCopyPro's advanced features make it a simple, easy to follow system for generating revenue online - it truly is a wealth creation opportunity.

There are three aspects one should consider while assessing any business opportunity. Ask these three basic questions to get an idea of a particular business opportunity - Is there a significant demand for the product or service in question? What is the remuneration like? How complex is the income earning system?

If you answer these questions with CarbonCopyPro in mind, you will find the answers extremely suitable as far as your financial advantage is concerned.

As far is the first question goes, CarbonCopyPro sells a unique step by step system called 'Business in a Box'. This is an excellent roadmap to both online and offline marketing and can be applied with good effect to any business enterprise. When it comes to rewards, you will find that CarbonCopyPro comprises a truly profitable marketing system. The duplicatable system offered here is delightfully simple, making it easy even for those who do not have marketing knowledge and experience to be successful in their online ventures.

It is not surprising that most people who have had personal experience of this excellent system think of CarbonCopyPro as just an income opportunity or a wealth creation opportunity rather than as a business opportunity. The latter option indicates the potential of CarbonCopyPro to not only provide you the means of earning a healthy income, but to also launch you as an entrepreneur.

If you are considering alternate sources of income, and are keen to earn generous rewards for simple work, your best choice would be a lucrative partnership with CarbonCopyPro and its marketing team.

Elusade Ayodele is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Elusade and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year.

Learn Forex Trading As a Path to Prosperity and Wealth Creation

So you're tired of not having enough money to provide your family with the better things in life. Or maybe, in these trouble financial times you wondering where you're going to get your next pay check from. This is your first problem, thinking about a pay check, instead of creating wealth for you and your family. The currency markets are making new millionaires each and every day of people from every country on the globe. The number one characteristic the newly created affluent have in common is they took time to learn Forex trading from its most basic fundamentals to the most sophisticated investing and trading strategies.

WOW, knowing what you doing is such an advanced concept that leads to success. NOT, of course education is the key to achievement and that is recognized by every country on the globe. So, it is quite simple, if you desire to do well in the FX markets become an expert at your craft. How do you do that? Read below and I will tell you how.

The first thing I would do is check out this currency courses named Forex Trading Made E Z. It is not going to teach you too much about the markets, what it is going to do is show you a simple little trading technique you can start making money with immediately. By doing this your confidence will grow and you will start with something that is easy to learn and simple to trade with. This is one of the most popular currency classes ever and has thousands of former students that swear by it like I do.

Next, I would enroll in the best of the best Forex training programs that are taught by professional currency traders who will act as a mentor to you. The classes come with a ton of learning materials and you will have many one on one sessions with the pros instructing the courses.

My top recommendations in this category are Fap Winner, Straight Forex and The Forex Brotherhood. There you have it, a tried and true format, that if followed will propel your career as a future professional currency investor and trader. Of course, the first step is the most difficult and time consuming as you learn Forex trading. But, once that is completed it is all downhill after that and the profits should start coming in quickly. Please feel free to review the above mentioned items at there websites and see if they might be something your interested in. You never know what the future holds for you and this certainly could be the first step to a much better life for you and your family. For your sake, I hope so.

We have researched, tested and reviewed 100's of Forex Training Courses, Software Systems and Brokerage Firms. We kept the best and eliminated the rest for you to examine at TOP RATED FOREX PRODUCT REVIEWS.

Wealth Creation Strategies - Work at Home Job Tips

One useful tip with the present downward slide of major economies, is for people to begin to look out for alternative means of generating residual income by considering work at home jobs; this way, people get the opportunity to exploit wealth creation strategies that are already proven and guaranteed to work.

One thing I find quite amusing occasionally is the way and manner with which we react to events and circumstances. It is high time people in general begin to think and reason in a proactive manner, that is before events and situations evolve.

With the global economic meltdown resulting in turbulence and ripples in the financial sector, there are frantic efforts made for wealth creation strategies and income generating opportunities to fall back upon as a means to keeping body, soul and the home together; payment of bills going, settlement of escalating debts, repayment of loans and interests charged, to mention a few.

For many, vast amounts of monies invested were lost, corporations closed down resulting in massive retrenchment of workers that had little or nothing to depend upon. Credit cards were all overdrawn beyond limits that were either acceptable or allowed. Financial institutions crumbled and many businesses declared bankruptcy as a means to salvaging whatever investments were left.

The global community was taken unawares. The world economy as a whole was badly affected. Chaos and uncertainty reigned with many devising means to stay afloat by managing and augmenting scarce resources available at their disposal.

In the face of prevailing circumstance around the world, I am persuaded that some steps can still be taken and one or two strategies deployed to creating wealth as a means to sustenance and survival by considering work at home jobs opportunities.

Two of such means is working from the privacy and comfort of your home by turning something you enjoy doing now into something you can do for a living and Trading Forex which is simply buying and selling foreign currencies online.

Be informed that these are no get-rich-quick schemes at all but if you are a serious minded person who is not shy of becoming legitimately engaged in a worthy vocation or venture that can be deployed to creating wealth, then you are welcome to try out these opportunities anytime you are chanced or well disposed towards such.

In life, working hard has not really gotten anyone rich; rather, working smart does. In the event that you are giving serious thought to building your own personal fortune, work at home job opportunity is a right place to look.

One tip you will find useful with your quest to create personal wealth is in the fact that anyone can work at home and make money on the internet.

The Wealth Creation Strategies of Tomorrow

If you want to work from home and create real wealth for yourself and your family there are many opportunities for you to choose from. When you are looking through the different opportunities available to you be sure to pick the one that will fit your lifestyle and your dreams for the future.

One opportunity that requires no products to sell and in fact no products to buy is cash gifting. This one sounds like a joke but hundreds of people make great money in cash gifting programs. You simply give a gift of cash to the person who recruits you to their cash gifting community. You then recruit others and they will give you an equal gift. You can see that if you recruit more than one person you have made money.

Mywirelessrep is another online multilevel marketing program. Each person who signs up gets a webpage that they can use to recruit new customers. This is a company that sells cellular phone service through direct marketing. With this company you can use cold calling, online marketing, or personal contacts to sell the service and you can get a commission on several different levels

Another business that has been able to create financial prosperity for many is CutCo. We have all heard of CutCo sales people selling their wares from door to door. In this marketing system you sign up as a salesperson and then you work to create lasting clients who will buy products from you on a regular basis. There are other companies that sell door to door like this, Mary Kay, and Avon are just a few.

One of the simplest systems for making money online is carboncopypro. This is an automated system that requires no little wasted time with cold leads and very little selling. The system is set up to be the most powerful turnkey marketing and sales system around. Even if you have no previous experience with selling online you can create personal prosperity with this system.

You deserve to be able to live your dreams. There are so many ways to create internet wealth there is surely one for you. Create a personal success plan and get moving. You can choose to sell products online or let the system lead you to success with carboncopypro. Whatever you choose work hard at what you do and you will be gain success.

Get your own Free Domain Name! No ads, and free cloaking!

Online Wealth Creation and the Efforts You Are Willing to Put In

Business on the internet is like any other business. Would you expect a regular business to start making profits on the first day? The answer is NO! I have been at it for at least 3 months now and I got my first sale yesterday!! But I can't explain what I felt when I saw my in box and my first sale.

Even though I spent more on advertising and electricity bills, it doesn't really matter because I know my efforts can be refined. I have tried to make money online through network marketing, affiliate marketing, pay to read emails, paid surveys. Earlier I was looking to make money online from paid surveys but since I don't reside in the United States, Canada or the U.K. I don't qualify for most survey opportunities.

The investment for most sites are small. The selection of good programs is like evaluating your risks in a regular business. Since I wasn't sure about the authenticity of a lot of programs I did my own bit of investigation. Looking for reviews, emailing the administrators and asking questions is important. I have noticed that a lot of times the terms and conditions in the advertisement is slightly different compared to when you actually join these sites. Most of the time there is always an extra fee for upgrades. Most advertisements will tell you how much you can actually make and is always very attracting but the reality is that without a good amount of effort and patience you will never reach targets mentioned in their advertisements. A Simple rule to follow-If it sounds unreal then it probably is.

In conclusion there are millions of programs out there, but only your efforts will set you apart from the rest. One of the good programs out there is work for 3 dollars. The investment for this program is only 3 dollars which is less than you will spend for a cup of coffee. It offers you a great opportunity to make a good amount of money. It is a matrix program that really works.

My name is Elusade Ayodele and I am an e-vents manager. I have been spending my spare time to explore new avenues of wealth creation online.

Manage Wealth, Manage Money - Learn the Basics of Wealth Creation

Those words would seem atypical of someone who is already rich and well off, but that is a popular misconception. Whether large or small, any amount of money that you have should go through an exhaustive wealth management system - it is the lifeblood of any individual in the capitalist society we live in and we should keep an eye on it. The basics apply; if you can manage wealth manage money - and you would have learned the strategies and formulas that have brought the rich to where they are today.

Managing your money means putting parts of it into various investment opportunities. This can come in the form of the property market, currencies, precious metals, tradable commodities. A diverse portfolio is key to opening up multiple revenue streams that is both lucrative and can give you added security in case one or two of your investments fail.

Now here's the thing, you would think that to do such a thing, you would need vast amounts of money - but that's not true. Not in the slightest bit. The market for the modest trader and investor has opened up of late. The basics of wealth creation is that you should always find channels for small investments that will give you a good rate of return. For example, you may not be able to invest in newly mined gold or diamonds or even property for that matter, but you can put small amounts in companies that do, and earn a reasonable rate of return. And you have just eliminated a whole lot of risk from your portfolio.

It is these channels that anyone focused on creating wealth should know about. Opportunities are all over, both off line and on line for anyone to make money. That is the start we all need to take on bigger and even riskier investments that promise better returns. Your money should be making money for you at any point. It could be earning interest from a money market account, or it could be a return of investment on some small scale online trading you have done. Whatever you put in should yield you profit, no matter how many investments you have. If one isn't working out, shut it down and use the money to look into other areas.

That is the kind of money and wealth micro management we should all be looking into. And if you aren't sure of yourself and want to be guided along, help is always at hand. There are a few select wealth creation home programmes that give you the mindset of a millionaire. Success in this case can be taught and knowledge will drive ambition to heights never known before. Some of these programme authors have made millions due to effective wealth management - and they are willing to impart this knowledge to you. Do a bit of research and read a few testimonials, you should be able find one in no time. The thing about the internet is that it is really big on reputation - word of mouth and referrals play a huge role in pointing people in the right direction.

That's what you need - the right direction to head to. And these wealth management home programmes can do just that.

It's high time to discover the Millionaire SECRETS to financial freedom! Elusade Ayodele is a Life Coach, Philanthropist and self-made Millionaire providing life-changing advice on How To Make Money Easily to build your wealth.

The Internet - The Hottest Wealth Creation Tool For 2008? By Fabian Tan

The Internet is the hottest wealth creation tool of 2008. With real estate prices plummeting and stock prices going up and down with abandon (but mostly down), the Internet is a great way to build a money machine from the ground up.

Most people don't know about the power of the Internet to create wealth. Imagine marketing to a worldwide market in your living room. That is what you can do on the Internet.

Many have notions that it 'impossible' to succeed online because there are millions of websites online. Well, the truth is, most of the websites that exist are duds and hardly receive any traffic because frankly they are clueless. If you know to drive traffic to your website, then it doesn't matter that there are millions of websites online. Most of those websites are hardly your direct competitors.

Marketing online is also a 24 hours activity. Well you don't need to work 24 hours, but because the Internet is live for 24 hours, you can receive sales even while you sleep. I look forward to waking up everyday to see how much I've made overnight. This is an amazing business. And I use mostly free traffic generation methods as the fuel for creating traffic to my website and generating sales. On the Internet, free advertising methods work like crazy if you really work it!

If you want to start building wealth without spending an arm or a leg, and want to reach a worldwide market as quickly as possible, then the Internet is the answer to all of your troubles.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

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The Keys To Wealth Creation By Kevin Sinclair

We are only on this earth for a short time and wealth creation can seem a real mystery. A lot of people apparently have no problem becoming wealthy but others struggle to make sense of how to get on their feet, let alone experience financial abundance.

No matter how discouraged you currently are about your financial situation, you too can become wealthy if you are willing to learn the keys to wealth creation.

The first step to wealth creation is to actually get some perspective. If you are reading this article on your own computer, you are really already wealthy. Compared to most of the world's population, a warm comfortable home, plenty of good food and the benefits of a first world society are signs of great wealth.

Unfortunately, most of us take these things for granted and do not recognize them as wealth. Understandably, when we struggle to support ourselves from week to week we can feel poor. Certainly, when we are under financial stress it is hard to feel wealthy.

However, wealth is a state of mind. Our focus predicts the outcomes in our lives so we need to control the way we think if we want to become wealthy. For example, if you are always thinking about bills you'll find it difficult to pay them. If you wallow in how bad your life is, you can become entrenched in poverty.

The way you think about wealth will determine whether or not you have any. It starts in your mind. The answer to poverty is abundance, so focus on all the abundance in your life right now. You will have to be disciplined to ignore mounting bills or insufficient income and focus on all the things you have to be grateful for.

With the right mindset, your world will suddenly present a host of new opportunities to choose from. All you have to do is open up to the possibilities and appreciate everything that is in your life already. Begin to pay attention to the good and you will see more good appearing in your life.

Wealth begins in the mind. You will find that your thoughts and emotions are the powerful creators of your life experiences. If you want to experience prosperity, take charge of your mind. Ask yourself better questions. Look positively at your current circumstances to find the seeds of future abundance.

Sometimes you cannot think prosperous thoughts until you get rid of unhelpful beliefs about wealth. Pay attention to the things you say to yourself about money and begin to turn negative statements around. Once you think prosperous thoughts and speak prosperous words you will be in a better position to become wealthy. Be patient with yourself and make one change at a time.

Once you have put your mind into the right gear to become wealthy, the next step is to deliberately look for opportunities to become prosperous and successful. Remember, we get what we focus on. Simply by focusing on opportunities, we will find them showing up in our lives.

Then we have to take action. Wealth doesn't magically appear. We have to take the right action to create it. So, as well as discovering wealth creation opportunities, you need to take action to turn them into reality.

Perhaps your local community can benefit from a product or service you can sell. Alternatively, online opportunities for wealth creation abound. Whether you can sell your services online or market products, there is a vast potential to create wealth on the internet. Begin to focus on the possibilities.

Be proactive and be willing to continually make adjustments in your life to improve your financial position. Do you waste a lot of time in front of the television? How about reading up on internet marketing instead? Perhaps you could invest in your education instead of being the passive beneficiary of somebody else's creativity while your watching "the box."

This article doesn't have all the answers. It is meant to be a gentle push in the right direction. If you use these ideas to start you on your journey to wealth, you will be well on your way to a more prosperous life.

Spiritual teachers say that the teacher appears when the student is ready. By being willing to change and looking for the answers all around you, you are showing that you are ready. You will find that people and opportunities will begin to appear in your life that will move you towards a more successful and abundant future.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

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Wealth Creation In The 21st Century By Clint Maher

Times have changed, an obvious statement you might say.

We are at a time in man's history that is like no other. We are at a time that brings all a level playing field. We are in the information age and it is just in its infancy. Never has there been a time in which it was easier (or should I say simpler) to create real and lasting wealth.

Not since the Great Depression have so many millionaires been made (Yes, the time of the depression made the most millionaires in history) and the number of millionaires is growing at a staggering rate every day. The good news is it is not too late to learn the skills required to create wealth in the 21st Century.

The days of working in a factory or in manual labour jobs are coming to an end, and for those lucky enough to have a head start on the rest of the crowd, you are indeed in a fortunate position. No longer is being born into wealth the only way to get ahead, and with the right resources, you will surely be able to create the life that you truly deserve.

So how does one create wealth in the 21st Century you may ask. Some of the strategies have not changed, but the access to the information of these strategies allows anyone to grasp investing like the wealthy have been doing for hundreds of years. The practice of the rich keeping the strategies to themselves is over, and there are people who are willing to show anyone who will listen how to take control of their financial future and get what they want out of life.

In this age we are able to be shown amazing wealth creation strategies in the share market, and property investing methods that are so simple a teenager can do them. The information is out there, you just have to be ready to receive it.

Of course the biggest change going on today, is the Internet. This is now being described as the Real Estate of the future. Every day more and more millionaires and billionairs are being made through the Internet. If we are to survive and flourish in the future, it is imperitive that you grasp hold of the way to do business on the Internet. If you are new to business, learn as much as you can and get online. If you are alreadt in business offline, bring it online.

In order to achieve anything successful in life, you must invest in yourself, and you must invest in your future. Go and do a course and continually improve yourself. Go and find a mentor, and model yourself on them. Whatever you do, you must take action and do something. Do not just sit there in your mind numbing job and think that you can hang out till your 65, as those days are going fast.

As far as I know we only live once and time is running out for us. Learn the skills necessary to be able to rely on yourself so you can have a great future, in every way possible. Learn the skills that allow you to quit that job which you hate and get out there and live. Don't get to 80 years of age and look back on your life with regret.

You know you owe it to yourself, and if you have a family, then you owe it to them as well.

Clint Maher is an author and coach for helping others take hold of their financial future and turning their lives into something fantastic. Find out how we can help you at

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Information on Online Wealth Creation By David Moss

One of the biggest ways to creating wealth online is to become an affiliate marketer. You ask what is an affiliate marketer! An affiliate marketer is someone who promotes other peoples products online and gets payed commissions for referring people through to a specific product and buys it.

A classic example of this is:

One of the first and most successful affiliate programs was that of When started its affiliate program several years back, it was revolutionary. (the merchant) simply allowed webmasters (affiliates) to place text links or banners on their site that could be clicked on by visitors/viewers. By clicking on these, the visitors were taken to the site where they made purchases. And, for every sale completed by one of these visitors, the affiliate was paid.

Affiliate marketing has to be one of the quickest, and easiest ways of making money online. As an affiliate marketer, you don't need to create products, you will be selling other people's. You don't need to hold any inventory, you don't need to accept payments, and you don't need to build super sales pages, in fact almost all of the work has been done for you. As an affiliate marketer, all you need to do is bring customers to your chosen affiliate program.

So with your job as an affiliate, you are effectively a sales person for the site you are directing traffic to. However, to say you are a sales person in the proper sense of the word is not strictly correct, because the selling is done pretty much by the merchant. You see the merchant has already invested lots of money on their product and service, and on their marketing too. Your goal is to effectively deliver traffic to the merchants site who then takes care of everything from that point on. There are two ways you can deliver traffic: a) directly, when you send traffic straight to the merchant's site from its source and b) indirectly, when you first engage the visitor in your own website before sending them to the merchant.

Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing skills that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication. There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today.

The ideal world of affiliate marketing does not require having your own website, dealing with customers, refunds, product development and maintenance. This is one of the easiest ways of launching into an online business and earning more profits.

There are absolutely countless ways to earn money with affiliate marketing this article has only just touched on how big this online business opportunity is.

Check out my blog on earning money online -

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7 Simple Steps To Creating Wealth Online By Lee Stuckey

While seeking ways to create wealth online and get the best out of the Internet you need to sit and research for hours on end, plus carefully test your product or service in the market until you find something that you could use as a model for your wealth creation business.

You can indeed create wealth online provided you learn to use the Internet as a very special tool to Everybody seems to be running after money today, yet nobody seems to get enough of it. promote your business by increasing the flow of traffic to your website. The secret to great returns in any e-business is traffic; not any traffic, but targeted traffic to the web; and the secret to generate that traffic is as follows:

1. Become an affiliate to a leading merchant - when you become an affiliate, you embark on a wealth creation missions that if successful would translate in the best method to create wealth online. The moment you have signed yourself up as an affiliate (only with leading merchants) you will receive plenty of marketing tools, advertisement space, training, hand-holding, etc until you have gained all the knowledge you require to create wealth. All these methods converge to one thing - increase traffic of targeted customer base to your site.

2. Offer great, irresistible free things - the first rule applicable here is about quality. Do not plan to give anything cheap, outdated, low quality as a free promotional gift. This would not help you. Offer things of value; the best would be some great e-books or other digital info products that can be received fast and stored with ease.

3. Get membership in all types of forums - how can people know about your existence on the Net? Organic ranking is not always the only way to become popular. You need to put in some additional effort into it, such as visiting different forums, discussion sites, review cites, etc. where after leaving your comments sign it with your URL, so people who are interested to know more could land on your website directly.

4. Contests and lottery - there is nothing more thrilling than a nice contest or a free lottery. When you offer such exciting opportunities, you will capture the details a great number of people who believe in luck and at the same time the necessity to work to transform luck into the comforts in reality.

5. Connect to other websites - how about joining with other similar websites and combine forces in pulling in the traffic. Ask for reciprocal links from similar or complementary leading websites and you are on your way to create wealth online.

6. Write articles - web content is still the uncontested king today. The best way to get huge traffic directed to your website, is with writing one article (you could write as many as you want) and this should be uploaded both in the search engine directories for indexing. You will be simply amazed with the results.

7. SEO your website - many people don't pay sufficient attention to this aspect with the worst consequences. Your website needs to be search engine optimized (SEO) so the engines see it fast and index it accordingly. The SEO may look insignificant to the uninitiated, but in realty it is a very powerful promotion tool for wealth creation.

Lee Stuckey is the owner of, he writes on a variety of subjects concerning the 4 Pillars of Wealth. To learn more about this topic Lee recommends you visit:

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