Monday, September 21, 2009

Top 5 Things You Need To Make Money Online

There are many resources you will need as you go along the way to try to make money online. However there are many things and problems you will encounter along the way. Here are the sure 5 things you will need to succeed to really make money online faster!

1. A Very Strong Mindset to Focus

It is really really VERY IMPORTANT to always stay focus on your objectives to succeed online. Never try to do too many things but at the end of the day you are actually a master of nothing. The reason I was some what successful in my marketing was because I was really focus on only one thing and that was blogging.

There will be many times while going along the journey in trying to make money online, you will face lots of distractions that will make you not focus! The point is that if you really stay focus on only one objective you will surely see some results!

2. Willing to Outsource and Spend Cash

When I first started my online business, I was very afraid to spent money on Internet tools and outsourcing my stuff and the weird thing was I am willing to pay to learn but strangely I was not willing to pay people to do stuff for me. I also realized this in many others whom I have coach and train before, they too will not be willing to spend a single cent on web site creation but would rather spend it on learning.

The trick about this is that once I started my first outsourcing about a few months, I realized my production rate actually increases by almost 400%! However of course there will times you would loose money, but it's normal because you will get it right always the first time. It takes risk and time to actually find the right people to outsource your stuff.

3. Willing to be Open Minded to Others

One strong point about how I marketing online is that I always have an open mind to Joint Venture with others. It really does not matter how popular you are but who you know and what you do that matters! As I have time and time again found many interesting Joint Ventures whom are no really popular or making lots of money online but do have really very good assets. And the assets are actually not attainable because the assets that I am talking is the connections they have to bigger players in in the market that is truly priceless! If you are interested to sent me a joint venture just visit my blog.

4. Always Think of Win-Win Solutions

Never ever try to make money online with a Win - Lose mindset, trust me you will never make any money. One thing I realized many do online is that they are pretty selfish when it comes to marketing and never really respect others. Everybody who ever worked with me before would know I always respect my partners and I will never do any joint venture if it's a win - lose deal.

You maybe thinking what I say sounds very simple, but through various emails I got with Joint Ventures almost out of 10 emails I received about 7 of them are actually win - lose deals... They would always email me about how great they are and how much they can earn but strangely nothing was mention about what I get.

The best way to draft a good joint venture is always ask yourself what is it in it for him!

5. Think Big! Never Think Small

When I was doing my business for the passed 4 years, I had this major problem. I always cannot seem to think big and expand my business. After years of failing and trying different things I noticed in order for you to really make lots of money online and I really mean A LOT! Here's secret tip I have for you, surround yourself with at least 10 people who are currently having the income you are actually trying to achieve.

For example let's say my own goal is to be a millionaire by 30 years old, what I did was all my top 10 closest friends are either already millionaires or are already somewhere there in the marketplace where I would want to be. Studies and surveys have shown that person's average income is always determine by the people that you surrounded with.

Here's some proof that this theory really works, imagine yourself wanting to earn $10,000 per month but the friends you hang out with are only earning $2,000 or less per month. Because most likely your friends who are working in those range would most likely only discuss these topic pretty often:

- Pay my bills

- Plan to study and upgrade with a degree

- Buy small investments to increase savings

- Go out movies during free time

- Sit down at Starbucks or Coffee Bean for a chat

- Looking for better jobs

Almost 90% of people do this very often! Where as when you hang out with people who are making like $10,000 or more per month, this is what I found out that they always talk about:

- Discuss about the next big venture or projects.

- Talk about big investments to invest to get great returns fast

- Open business ventures

- Go to networking events to find new leads

- Getting ideas to solve business problems

- Setting up the business

See the difference? I hope you get the picture, because what I wrote is truly real experience and just because I only did a really simple thing which was I just changed the circle of friends I had. Within just 1 year, I realized my wealth and valued actually increases. So I hope you find this useful and do apply it for yourself to experience it. It did work for me really well!

Currently ranked as the world's no.1 blogger, who made over $4,687.50 in 7 days,

All through blogs, would you like to learn how Elusade did it?

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