Sunday, September 20, 2009

Online Wealth - How To Earn Income For Life!

Sometimes ago l met a man who calls himself "The Apostle of Wealth Creation" He told me something l will remember for the rest of my life. He said "Blessed are those who believe that they can be financially independent, for they shall definitely be, because as a man thinks in his heart so is he." He continued "For what a man thinks about 99% of the time happens to him. You will become what you believe one day, it is a matter of time because everyone becomes what he believes." I followed his words of advice and it really worked for me. He further told me "When you are financially independent, thou shall teach thy friends, neighbors, co-staffs etc how to make money unless they reject thy teaching." For this reason, I write this article.

I want to tell you here how to earn a stable and permanent income on the internet. Perhaps you've seen people doing it but wonder how they go about it, this article is for you. Earning stable income online should not pose any problem to you nor is it as hard as you may think. In this article I will show you the 3 simplest ways to make money online even when you are asleep! The 3 ways are lucrative and fraud free, they are explained bellow.

The first one is Article writing. This will help you get part-time well paying job online. It's all about website owners that need people to write contents for their numerous web pages. Most of them don't have enough time to keep their site with fresh quality information. If they must make money with their website, they just have to able to make search engines (e.g. Yahoo!, Google) pick their sites. And one of the cheapest ways to achieve this is to have quality articles written for them.

Generally, payment ranges from $0.01 per word, which means you get $3 for three hundred word article you write. However, this rate is not fixed as you may decide to reduce your charge to secure a job and then may later ask for increment. It's that simple!

The second way is what l refer to as "Online marketing". It's all about creating products to sell online. You can never imagine how many buyers patronize online market place on daily basis. The best way to become rich is to create value in other people's lives. Therefore, look for solutions to people's problems, or better still, ask yourself these questions "What do l love to do most". What am l most passionate about? If l were to wake up in the morning and chose to do one thing, what would that be? How can l benefit my self and others? Etc. This is turning problems into opportunities.

You also have to realize that it's not just your passions, hobbies and interests you should be taking note of also take a closer look at your biggest problems and challenges; find solutions to them and become the expert that everyone else will look to for answers. After getting all these, package them and sell online for you have what other people are ready to pay for.

This third one is the easiest and simplest. It's called "Affiliate program". It's an arrangement where you don't have products of your own but promote someone else's product and gets commission when somebody buys them. It works like this; having chosen a product to promote, you'll be shown your affiliate link. It can be in form of text or banner, which contains certain codes to identify you. When someone clicks on them and buys the products, the sale is automatically traced to you and the commission is credited to your account. The amount you get as commission depends on what the owner of the product is offering. Some offers as high as 50% of their product or service.

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